Thursday, September 10, 2009

Alexander McQueen

Before we get started let me say that this is biographical and does not mean that I adore McQueen. I can't say that I loathe him, but I'm pretty indifferent. He is an out-of-the-ordinary artist, however, and I'm blogging accordingly.

Alexander McQueen's real name is Lee. Lee McQueen, son of a taxi driver. He started out just running up dresses for his sisters. Quite the hobby, eh? Decided at 16 that he'd like to make it to the Big Leagues. Lee was gonna be a top designer whether his parents liked it or not (and they didn't; they strongly encouraged him to pursue a "normal" career).

He roused people up with his shock tactics in fashion. People named him "enfant terrible" or "the hooligan of English fashion." Quite the brazen young designer, no? Could you believe that the little son of a taxi driver made a name for himself (quite literally, in fact) and became Alexander McQueen, fashion designer extraordinaire?

His techniques have developed and shifted and morphed quite a bit over the years. I know a lot of people have beef with him because he's "weird," but I don't know, I just have quite the thing for him. Granted, his collections are most definitely never my favourites; but it cannot be denied that the guy has balls.

He realized that he was gay when he was only six years old. His environment growing up has been described as homophobic, and he couldn't even come out to his parents until he was 18. Must have been an interesting childhood.

I'm sure most of us are familiar with his newer works. Let's have a look at some of his older stuff, shall we:

S/S 1994

A/W 94-95

A/W 95-96

S/S 1999

A/W 2000

So, whaddya think?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So about that Doctor

I'm really dying for some Doc Martens. Why? Eh. No clue, I just love big clunky boots. Who doesn't? don't?

Oh. Well I do.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I Need a Doctor

1. I've noticed that the only fashion blogs I'll read (that are personal, anyway) are ones in which the blogger posts pictures of him/herself. I guess I'll follow my own rule there.

Granted, they are quite awkward poses, but my little brother was taking the pictures and it just felt awkward all around.

Now for the "good stuff."

I went thrifting yesterday and bought these things:

All are vintage but the shorts (which desperately need ironing).

I promise that I WILL put outfits together with them...I'm just having a hard time right now as I'm transitioning from cruddy style to...well, not.